PGR Training Resources

Training resources for PGR’s

  1. School specific, PGR training materials - contains material related to plagiarism, paper submissions, etc.

  2. Advanced Computing Research Centre (ACRC) training - contains R,Python, GIT or Linux courses

  3. ESRC reserach skills and resources - contains documents about application writing, thesis writing, etc.

  4. Bristol Doctoral Colledge events - here you can find scheduled writting sessions, supervisor advice, well-being sessions, getting started with publishing and even community yoga sessions

  5. National Centre for Research Methods - Research methods training courses and events - This is a searchable database of training events including trainning on various data research, ethics, various computational and statistical methods, qualitatiove or quantitative methods and much more.

  6. Social Research Association - SRA promotes excellence in social research. It offers training and shourt courses on wide range of reserach methods (mostly qualitative), guidiance on research ethics, webinars, conferences and other.

Lenka Hasova
Lenka Hasova
Human Geography PhD student

My dissertation looks at the use of Spatial Interaction Models and their spatial structure. I love coding in Python and R, and in a spare time, I make my own clothes.