Volunteers for organising PGR research day

Over the past year the idea of organising a student-led PGR research day has arisen. This would be a mini-conference in the School where we PGR students can present our work to each other and the staff. The idea is that this will give us the opportunity to present our work to all staff members (also outside of our research groups). This would for example give the opportunity to form across-research group collaborations if your interests overlap with someone else.

It would be great to have this research day in-person and with some drinks afterwards, so we should probably aim for some time in Spring, hoping that Covid numbers will have decreased and the university will allow an event like this.

The PGR research day will be organised by us! We are looking for ~4/5 students who want to volunteer to organise this day. This gives you the opportunity to get some experience in organising a (mini-)conference. One of us reps will help out with budgets/contact with the School. Please let me (isolde.glissenaar@bristol.ac.uk) know if you want to help organise this event. If you’ve expressed your interest before please remind me!

Isolde Glissenaar
Isolde Glissenaar
Physical Geography PhD student
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