Browns Weekend Away

Nov 4, 2022 4:00 PM — Nov 6, 2022 10:00 AM
Browns Weekend Away - Weekend in Cheddar Gorge
YHA Cheddar

Friday November 4th: 4pm – SASKIA car is leaving Browns, she will be picking up the key for the YHA and needs 2 people who are happy to leave work a little early and help with the first dinner to join. Message me (Zoonii) if you can. 5:30pm – REBECCA, GAIA, MADDY, LENKA cars are leaving Browns after work time. Remaining 19 folks in these cars. 7pm – Hostel Dinner – Potato Curry by Head Chef: Tom C (helpers will be needed 😊 ) ~Games & Social Time, bring your favourite game etc~

Saturday November 5th: ~Breakfast and lunch for Saturday is your individual responsibility, there is a Tesco 5 mins from the YHA and many little cafes in Cheddar, or of course you could bring food with you~ 11am – A big walk into Cheddar Gorge is leaving from the YHA, all are invited. Expect 5-6 hours. 11am – A smaller walk into Cheddar Gorge is leaving from the YHA, all are invited. Expect 2-3 hours. 11am – Folks wanting to explore the town or see the cave tours can move on their own time. 5pm – Reconvening at a local pub in Cheddar 7pm – Hostel Dinner – Chili by Head Chef: Zoonii K (helpers will be needed 😊 ) 9pm – Bonfire Night/Local Fireworks from the Gorge ~Social Time~

Sunday November 6th: 10am – YHA must be vacated by 10am, cars will be leaving as they get packed.

Packing List: Clothes, towel, games, fun, and warm layers for bonfire night. Please bring appropriate footwear and rainwear if you are walking. Please try and pack light, the cars will all be full. All bedding is provided.
If you have a really cool game that does take up space though do message and we could probably find a way.

Lenka Hasova
Lenka Hasova
Human Geography PhD student

My dissertation looks at the use of Spatial Interaction Models and their spatial structure. I love coding in Python and R, and in a spare time, I make my own clothes.

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