Browns Christmas Party


The date is set: the Browns Christmas party will happen on Monday the 6th of December! This is a Christmas party for all PGRs in Geographical Sciences.

Dec 6, 2021 5:00 PM
Browns Christmas Party
Browns common room

Hohoho! Please join us for a jolly fun Christmas party!

This year’s Browns Christmas party will happen on Monday the 6th of December (St Nicholas day, the saint that inspired Santa Claus). The party will start of in the Browns common room after work (5pm), with the option of going to a pub later. We will organise drinks and some snacks, but please all bring your own dinner! The Christmas fairies (reps and helping hands) will organise a quiz to do on the night itself. Christmas jumpers are highly recommended. Please do a lateral flow test on the day itself before coming into Browns.

Secret Santa We will be doing a secret santa with minimal organisation :). If you want to join in, bring a gift that anyone could enjoy (less than £5, we would suggest having a look in a charity shop for sustainability :)) and Santa will distribute the gifts himself.

Hope to see you all there!

Isolde Glissenaar
Isolde Glissenaar
Physical Geography PhD student
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