Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Report unacceptable behaviour

What is unacceptable behaviour?

  • Discrimination - Being treated unfairly because of who you are or a protected characteristic such as disability or race.
  • Hate crime - A hate crime is an action or behaviour that is motivated by hostility towards a protected characteristic.
  • Sexual violence and harassment - Any sexual touching that a person does not consent to. It involves all unwanted sexual contact including kissing, groping, rape, enforced sexual acts, and verbal solicitations or comments.
  • Bullying and harassment - Unwanted behaviour that is intimidating, offensive or insulting.
  • Domestic violence - Can include emotional, psychological, physical, financial and sexual abuse in couple relationships (current or previous) or between family members.
  • Physical assault - When an individual or a group attacks a person physically, with or without the use of a weapon, or threatens to hurt that person.

Learn more about the subtle, less obvious forms of unacceptable behaviours (microaggressions), the impact they have and what you can do: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/inclusion/learning--development/microaggressions/

How to report it?

If you, or someone you know, have experienced unwanted actions or behaviour or been treated unfairly, here is what you can do.

Complete the Request Wellbeing Support form: a wellbeing adviser will make contact with you to offer support and advise you about your options. The adviser can explain the options and possible outcomes, and help you decide what is right for you. OR Report anonymously: in this case the University will be informed about the incident but will not be able to take action.

More information about unacceptable behaviour can be found here: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/students/support/wellbeing/report-unacceptable-behaviour/


We saved this useful resources also as a Tool&Link card, so you have an easy access to the reporting tools anytime.

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Giada Casarin
Giada Casarin
Human Geography PhD student

I am Postgrad EDI rep and in my research I explore long-term impact of urban renewal policies on neighbourhood reputations using qualitative methods. I come from Italy and I love doing yoga, listening to podcasts and just spending time into nature.

Vivek Gurav
Environmental Policy and Management (MSc) student
Zoonii Kayler
Zoonii Kayler
Biology PhD student

Zoonii is passionate about sports, art, and science. She’s excited to reignite the research culture of Bristol Geography, whilst ensuring no one is left out or left behind. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any EDI questions or ideas.

Yiqiao Qi
Yiqiao Qi
Human Geography PhD student

I’m a PhD student focusing on intersectionality, gender, and migration studies, based at the University of Bristol, UK.

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