PGR Training Resources
Training resources for PGR’s
School specific, PGR training materials - contains material related to plagiarism, paper submissions, etc.
Advanced Computing Research Centre (ACRC) training - contains R,Python, GIT or Linux courses
ESRC reserach skills and resources - contains documents about application writing, thesis writing, etc.
Bristol Doctoral Colledge events - here you can find scheduled writting sessions, supervisor advice, well-being sessions, getting started with publishing and even community yoga sessions
National Centre for Research Methods - Research methods training courses and events - This is a searchable database of training events including trainning on various data research, ethics, various computational and statistical methods, qualitatiove or quantitative methods and much more.
Social Research Association - SRA promotes excellence in social research. It offers training and shourt courses on wide range of reserach methods (mostly qualitative), guidiance on research ethics, webinars, conferences and other.