Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Health Data Science strand showcase

Nov 30, 2021 10:00 AM — 12:00 PM
Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Health Data Science strand showcase

The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Health Data Science Research Strand combined expertise across the university and beyond to build Bristol capacity for interdisciplinary research that makes the best use of data to improve health, care and services.

This showcase event will present some of the health data science research at Bristol and projects supported by the strand over the last two years. Everyone with an interest in how data science can improve health is warmly invited. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after the talks.

See the details and register here

Lenka Hasova
Lenka Hasova
Human Geography PhD student

My dissertation looks at the use of Spatial Interaction Models and their spatial structure. I love coding in Python and R, and in a spare time, I make my own clothes.

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