PGR PRES meeting


In July of this year the PRES 2021 results that you, as PGRs, contributed to were released to the University and School. These results can be seen in summarised form in the attached document, or in the original here. We’d like to discuss both the good and bad with you so as to improve our School PGR practices. For those who may be new or who may not know, PRES 2021 was a survey of PGR student experiences (PhD and MScR) in the School from 2020-2021. 50.5% of PGRs in the School responded to the survey. The results for the School show that we have made great improvements in our delivery of PGR training and support since 2018, but that we also have work to do to get to where we want to be. Many of you reported having excellent experiences, supervisory support, and training. We note, however, that too many of you have also reported some unsatisfactory experiences and, in some cases, poor support and/or training. While the overall headlines are positive, we would like to address some of the more concerning feedback you have provided to us. In particular, we would like to seek insight and advice from you on supervision, research culture, professional development, and resources, any other matters you feel are important to you. Please do take a moment to read through the attached. The attached is a collation and summary (including all of your qualitative responses) of the feedback you provided to the survey. Your comments are unedited. If you recognise some of your comments and you would like to address them in person or speak to them (positive or negative), please do join us for the meeting on the 7th Oct. at 13:00 in Hepple

Oct 7, 2021 1:00 PM — 2:30 PM
PGR PRES meeting
Hepple theather
Lenka Hasova
Lenka Hasova
Human Geography PhD student

My dissertation looks at the use of Spatial Interaction Models and their spatial structure. I love coding in Python and R, and in a spare time, I make my own clothes.

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