Green Guest Lecture Series, Sustainability for the 21st Century


Get your free ticket About the lecture The concentration of people in urban settlements is increasing and sustainability has never been a more pressing matter than it is today. With land use changing and natural hazards increasing at greater rates than ever, pressures on natural resources and ecosystems present dynamic challenges that threaten the very reality of a sustainable existence. These are facets of a broad suite of sustainability challenges that encompass the urban century in the Anthropocene and meeting these challenges requires transformative solutions to overcome the contrasting and, sometimes, contradictory use of sustainability and the related terms of resilience. Solutions that enable resilience and sustainability can be found at key intervention points for local to global action across city-specific dimensions and these are where we must seek hope if a globally sustainable future is to be realised.

About Professor Thomas Elmqvist Thomas is a professor at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. His research is focused on urbanization, urban ecosystem services, land use change, natural disturbances and components of resilience including the role of social institutions. He has led and coordinated several major international interdisciplinary research projects, such as the UN-initiated global project “Cities and Biodiversity Outlook” and the Future Earth Project “Urban Planet” He currently serves as Editor in chief for the Nature Research journal “npj Urban Sustainability” and as associated editor for the journals Sustainability Science, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. He has published over 100 papers, 30 books and book chapters and received the Biodiversa prize 2018 for “Excellence in science and impact” and the Ecological Society of America 2019 prize for best paper in “Sustainability Science”. This event is free to attend and open to all. This event is supported by Bristol Festival of Ideas and Cabot Institute for the Environment.

Oct 21, 2021 3:30 PM — 4:30 PM
Lenka Hasova
Lenka Hasova
Human Geography PhD student

My dissertation looks at the use of Spatial Interaction Models and their spatial structure. I love coding in Python and R, and in a spare time, I make my own clothes.

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